10 Reasons Why I Love Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

There has to be a reason why I’ve returned year-on-year for more than a decade, and it’s not just because it’s a great reason to catch up with my oldest friend. 1. The Location: No-one can deny that the city of Edinburgh is absolutely stunning. With its incredible architecture, history and monuments, not to mention … More 10 Reasons Why I Love Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Scotland: moody, brooding and bleak, but undeniably beautiful.

Despite having so much to say about our most recent trip, I have been unusually quiet: this is for one reason. Because we returned to a laptop with minimum keyboard function. Typing a blog without most of the numbers and half of the letters actually working is, unsurprisingly, incredibly frustrating! We’ve had to buy an … More Scotland: moody, brooding and bleak, but undeniably beautiful.